Fonts with the most classical, literary, and other rare characters:īabelStone Han is a Song/Ming (宋体/明體) font with many hard-to-find Chinese characters, though it is not yet complete in some basic ranges. See this article for examples of ruby fonts you can buy. I am often asked for help finding Traditional character + Pinyin ruby fonts, or more comprehensive Traditional+Zhuyin and Simplified+Pinyin fonts. If this link disappears, just do a search for "方正楷体拼音字库" or "FZKTPY", and please let me know. You will need the free 7-Zip program or similar utility to extract from the ".rar" file. Look for a "下载" button on that download page. This "collection" file will install six fonts starting with "FZKTPY" with all alternate pronunciations ( poyin zi). Have fun! If this link disappears, try searching for "王漢宗48套字型" (or "wanghan fonts", or "hanwang fonts"), and please let me know.įangZheng Pinyin ruby font in Simplified Kai (楷体) characters, with Pinyin on the top. Download and install all four files for each style (eight total) so that you'll have the main font plus alternate pronunciations ( poyin). WangHan Zhuyin ruby fonts in Traditional Kai (楷體) and Ming (明體) and characters, with Bopomofo on the right. Ruby text fonts with Zhuyin or Pinyin pronunciation:. Scholars should also see my FAQ on working with ancient, classical, and rare Chinese characters. If you're looking for particularly rare characters, a free tool for Windows called BabelMap can tell you which of your fonts contain a specific character. The latest Windows fonts include Cantonese and many rare literary characters, including a much improved SimSun font for those using mainland/Singapore input and encoding, and expanded MingLiU / PMingLiU fonts for Taiwan/HK/Macau encoding, but in the latter you must manually enable the extended character sets for Traditional Chinese. or Chinese fonts included with whatever OS you're using. Chinese fonts included with Ubuntu Linux. Chinese fonts included with Windows 7/Vista and Windows 8 & 10.
This survey assumes you're already aware of: A Survey of Free and Commercial 3rd Party Chinese Fonts More Chinese Fonts - Free Fonts, Commercial Fonts :: Pinyin Joeġ.