
Nsimsun font free
Nsimsun font free

nsimsun font free

ALPHABETUM Unicode, AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni, AR PL ZenKai Uni, Arial Unicode MS, BabelStone Han, Chrysanthi Unicode, Code2000, HAN NOM A, Ming(for ISO10646), MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS, MS Hei, MS Song, MSung Std Acro, NSimSun, NSimSun-18030, PMingLiU, Roman Unicode, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-18030, STSong Std Acro, Sun-ExtA, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, TSC FMing S TT and TSC JSong S TT can display Bopomofo.There are no Unicode fonts designed specifically for Bopomofo.Not all of the characters in a given range will always be present in a font you can use a utility such as Babel Map to see exactly which characters are included.

nsimsun font free

The following lists of East Asian Unicode fonts are probably not comprehensive, they are just the ones that I have acquired with various operating systems and applications, or found while learning about Unicode from the Web. Links to font-related and language-related Web sites.

Nsimsun font free