ALPHABETUM Unicode, AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni, AR PL ZenKai Uni, Arial Unicode MS, BabelStone Han, Chrysanthi Unicode, Code2000, HAN NOM A, Ming(for ISO10646), MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS, MS Hei, MS Song, MSung Std Acro, NSimSun, NSimSun-18030, PMingLiU, Roman Unicode, SimHei, SimSun, SimSun-18030, STSong Std Acro, Sun-ExtA, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, TSC FMing S TT and TSC JSong S TT can display Bopomofo.There are no Unicode fonts designed specifically for Bopomofo.Not all of the characters in a given range will always be present in a font you can use a utility such as Babel Map to see exactly which characters are included.

The following lists of East Asian Unicode fonts are probably not comprehensive, they are just the ones that I have acquired with various operating systems and applications, or found while learning about Unicode from the Web. Links to font-related and language-related Web sites.